Our membership drive has been really successful and we're now focusing our efforts on making sure you get the most out of what we have to offer.
If you haven't registered for a course yet, now is definitely the time to check them out and sign up (the first one starts next Thursday!). You can do all that by clicking here. And don't forget: as a member, you get access to any of our courses free of charge.
Here are the membership coupon codes for current courses being offered:
1. Bamidbar: National Crises & Wars (Live Course): Bamid5782
2. Philosophical Frameworks of Analysis (Live Course): Philo5782
3. Palestinian Identity & Politics (Live Course): Pales5782
Additionally, here are some other things you can look forward to...
- Check your WhatsApp and Facebook later this week for invites to the members-only Vision groups.
- We plan to send out our first shipment of Vision merchandise to you this summer!
- And speaking of summer, as you might've already heard, we're planning a Shabbat retreat in Los Angeles over Shabbat Nahamu (Aug 12-13). As a member, you'll receive 10% off the cost. If you're able to make it, be in touch with Sharona (info@visionmovement.org) for details.
Danit Grady