Under Gera's leadership, Leḥi developed a political outlook that applied revolutionary principles to the Jewish people and its struggle for liberation from British rule.
Gera's experiences as a freedom fighter gave him unique insight into how Israel's treatment of the Palestinians would shape the development of both peoples in the decades following the Six Day War.
The political leader of the Sternist underground was one of the most revolutionary Jewish thinkers of the previous century. Vision leaders discuss his revolutionary legacy.
Before Rome destroyed Jerusalem, Israel's calendar had several festivals commemorating Maccabean victories. The story of our 26 year guerrilla war is actually so much bigger than just Ḥanukah.
Israel being a 'kingdom of priests and a holy nation' necessitates the sanctification of individual, interpersonal and national life so as to give earthly expression to the Torah’s lofty spiritual values.
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