VISION Magazine

VISION Magazine weekly newsletters, webinars, and more

Netanyahu had good reason to fire Gallant

Published: Thu, 11/07/24

Updated: Thu, 11/07/24

why is the creation of a Hebrew nation necessary for universal harmony? Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision Magazine. We hope…

how has a year of war changed Israeli society?

Published: Tue, 10/22/24

Updated: Tue, 10/22/24

our Torah isn't merely some disjointed laws & stories but actually the Divine Ideal lowered into our world Shalom, Below are some of our weekly…

the cleansing intensity of Yom Kippur

Published: Thu, 10/10/24

Updated: Thu, 10/10/24

The Divine light of Yom Kippur can help us to each discover our unique roles in history. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…

wishing you a Shana Tova!! 🍯🍎🐑

Published: Tue, 10/01/24

Updated: Tue, 10/01/24

a crucial component of tshuva is learning to find one's purpose in our current chapter of history Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at…

why some Jewish students oppose the war

Published: Thu, 09/26/24

Updated: Thu, 09/26/24

interview with a 'Jew for a ceasefire' at Columbia University Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision Magazine. We hope you enjoy…

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