it's time we consider the demands of a free Jerusalem 🇮🇱
Published: Thu, 05/26/22
The Si Day War challenges Israel to identify the ne t stages of Jewish liberation. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision Magazine.
VISION Magazine weekly newsletters, webinars, and more
Published: Thu, 05/26/22
The Si Day War challenges Israel to identify the ne t stages of Jewish liberation. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision Magazine.
Published: Wed, 05/25/22
Sefer Bamidbar: National Crises & Wars Hi Great news!! We're launching our first new course tomorrow, Thursday 25 Iyar/May 26 and it's not too late to…
Published: Thu, 05/19/22
Hey, Our membership drive has been really successful and we're now focusing our efforts on making sure you get the most out of what we have to offer.
Published: Wed, 05/18/22
On Lag Ba'Omer, we should e amine the many layers of Israel's historic conflict with Edom. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…
Published: Sun, 05/15/22
Hi We don't like to inundate your inbo with emails, so you can be sure if you're receiving this email that it's really important! We have several…
Published: Thu, 05/12/22
now that we're back in our land, Israel needs to adopt policies that e press our identity. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…
Published: Wed, 05/04/22
what is the deeper meaning of Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut (and where do we go ne t)? Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…
Published: Thu, 04/28/22
what separates this day from other days on our calendar that commemorate the Holocaust? Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…
Published: Wed, 04/20/22
the Pesaḥ festival offers an opportunity to e plore the many layers of Israel's freedom. Shalom, Below are some of our weekly highlights at Vision…
Published: Fri, 04/15/22
we're e cited to launch a new series of online courses for those who've completed ATID. Shalom, I'm writing to you ahead of Pesaḥ on behalf of myself…